Este é o local onde me proponho partilhar consigo a forma como sinto a cozinha. A influência da comida da minha mãe e a paixão pela dieta mediterrânea estão presentes em quase todas as receitas que fui preparando ao longo dos meus Domingos, sempre cheios de sabor.

This is the place were i intend to share with you my feelings about food. My mother's lovely cooking and a passion for mediterranean diet give soul to all this recipes i have been cooking. In my kitchen, every Sunday is full of flavor.

Carlos Balona Gomes

11 December 2009


In spite of technically courgette belongs to the fruit family, they are almost invariably considered as a vegetable and its turned into a very popular summer “squash”. It comes in different shapes and colors but people are likely most familiar with courgettes that are long green oblongs, resembling a cucumber. In Macau you can find easily light green courgettes, with no more than 20 cm, for a very good price.
You can use it steam, fried, grated into pasta sauce or sliced to use in stews and soups. Also can be served as part of a vegetable plate. Courgettes also can be treated as a dessert and be used in cakes. Zucchini, the Italian name for this “fruit” is one base ingredient for the delicious, sweet and spicy zucchini bread. Today we will cook it stuffed with prawns and vegetables.

YOU WILL NEED (6 starters):
3 courgettes
1 ripe tomato
2 shallots
100 gr. / 1 cup of fresh mushrooms
100 gr. / 1 cup of skinless prawns
1 tablespoon of capers
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of flour
2 tablespoons of tomato paste
1 teaspoon of mustard
1 dl. / 3 ½ fl oz of white wine
Salt and pepper at taste
50 gr./ 2 oz of parmesan cheese
Oregano at taste

1. Cut the courgettes tops and drop it into boiling water for about 3 to 4 minutes;
2. Take the courgettes from the boiling water and pass them through cold water to block the cooking process;
3. Cut it longitudinally into halves and remove the inside pulp carefully making a boat shape;
4. Mince half of the courgette pulp, ripe tomato skinless and seedless, shallots, prawns skinless and mushrooms;
5. In a skillet with olive oil add by this order, shallots, tomato, mushrooms, capers, courgettes pulp and prawns and let it stew for 3 to 5 minutes minutes;
6. Add the wine in which previously you dissolved flour, mustard, tomato pulp, salt and pepper;
7. Let it reduce in low heat until you can see the bottom of the skillet when you scrape it with a wooden spoon;
8. Fill the courgette “boats” with the prepared mix and put it in an oven tray;
9. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and oregano;
10. Roast in the oven at 200ºC / 392ºF for about 15 minutes or until the cheese is light brown;
11. Serve in a large plate together with wild rocket leaves, or any other green leaves you like, and some pine seeds at taste.

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