Este é o local onde me proponho partilhar consigo a forma como sinto a cozinha. A influência da comida da minha mãe e a paixão pela dieta mediterrânea estão presentes em quase todas as receitas que fui preparando ao longo dos meus Domingos, sempre cheios de sabor.

This is the place were i intend to share with you my feelings about food. My mother's lovely cooking and a passion for mediterranean diet give soul to all this recipes i have been cooking. In my kitchen, every Sunday is full of flavor.

Carlos Balona Gomes

17 October 2010


For meat lovers, this steak is simply irresistible.
We believe António Marrare started this kind of “cafe steak” late XVIII century in Lisbon, at his own cafes, using only butter, cream, salt and pepper to cook the sauce.
Nowadays, you can find in Portugal dozens of “cafe steak” recipes like this one. Some use more garlic or different spices and some use wine or coffee instead of beer.
About the side dishes you also can chose vegetables, rice, pasta or so many other ingredients. Nevertheless, in my opinion it is practically mandatory to serve a “cafe steak” with French-fried potatoes and a fried egg, exactly like my suggestion here.

YOU WILL NEED (serves 4):
600 gr / 1lb and 5 ¼ oz of thin cut veal or beef steaks;
160 gr / 5 ½ oz of butter;
4 tablespoons of pork lard;
2 teaspoons of garlic purée;
2 bay leaves;
2 teaspoons of French classic mustard;
200 ml / 7 ¼ fl oz of beer;
200 ml / 7 ¼ fl oz cream;
2 egg yolks;
Salt and pepper;

Sprinkle steaks both sides with salt and pepper;
Over medium to strong heat, in a quick operation, fry steaks both sides in a skillet with 2 tablespoons of pork lard (fry it from medium rare to medium well). Allow steaks to rest in a warm place;
In another skillet heat half of the butter, 2 tablespoons of pork lard and garlic purée until light brown;
Add remaining butter, bay leaves and mustard and bring to a boil without stop whisking;
Add beer and bring back to the boil to evaporate the alcohol (around 5 minutes boiling);
Whisk cream and egg yolks seasoned with salt and pepper and add it to the sauce;
Turn the heat to low and keep whisking the sauce without stopping;
Check seasoning, adding more salt and pepper if necessary;
Cut the heat when you get a homogenized sauce. Do not overcook this sauce or you will get a tough sauce with small chunks of egg;
Serve the steaks in deep warmed plates with plenty of sauce around and the perfect match - a fried egg and some crispy french-fried potatoes.

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