Este é o local onde me proponho partilhar consigo a forma como sinto a cozinha. A influência da comida da minha mãe e a paixão pela dieta mediterrânea estão presentes em quase todas as receitas que fui preparando ao longo dos meus Domingos, sempre cheios de sabor.

This is the place were i intend to share with you my feelings about food. My mother's lovely cooking and a passion for mediterranean diet give soul to all this recipes i have been cooking. In my kitchen, every Sunday is full of flavor.

Carlos Balona Gomes

11 August 2010


Every country with a coastline has its own fish soup recipes, varying according to the fish species available and the vegetables and seasonings more consensual to each place.
Portugal, with almost 1800 km of coastline, has a rich cuisine dedicated to the sea were you may find dozens of different fish soup recipes. Different fish, different vegetables, different seasonings provide different results and so pages and pages would be needed just to mention all those different styles.
The one presented here is just an example of what you can do with fish and vegetables, in a perfect way to “hide” the fish from those who don’t like to eat it so often. You can use your favorite kind of fish and, of course, you can also choose different vegetables, herbs and seasonings to fill up the pot.

YOU WILL NEED (serves 4 to 6):
500 gr / 1 lb and 1 ½ oz of white fish;
50 ml / 1 ¾ fl oz extra virgin olive oil;
1 yellow onion;
3 garlic cloves;
2 stalks of celery;
1 bay leaf;
1 fresh chili (optional);
3 fresh ripe tomatoes, skinned and deseed;
Dash of white wine;
2 big potatoes;
1 carrot;
Fresh herbs (such as parsley, coriander or mint);
Dried herbs (such as pennyroyal or oregano);
Salt and peeper;
150 gr / 5 ¼ oz of small size pipe pasta;
Boiling water.

In a big pot, heat olive oil and add onion, celery, garlic, bay leaf, chili and sauté until clear;
Add tomato and white wine and cook for about 5 minutes over medium heat;
Add potatoes and carrot, peeled and sliced;
Add enough boiling water to cover everything very well and bring it to a boil;
Add fish, previously washed and drained;
Season with salt and peeper;
Make a bunch with fresh and dried herbs of your choice and add it to the pot;
Bring back to the boil, put the lid over the saucepan and turn the heat to low;
When the fish is cooked, remove it from the pot, clean bones and skin, flake it and reserve;
When all vegetables are boiled and soft, cut the heat, remove herbs bunch and discard;
Process the soup in a blender and return it to the pot;
Add more water if it is too thick and bring to a boil;
Add pipe pasta and stir well to avoid catching the bottom of pot;
When you feel the past almost soft add fish in flakes and simmer a little more, until the pasta is cooked.
Drizzle in a few drops of olive oil and serve.
Optionally, you can sprinkle some more fresh or dried herbs after serve.

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